Neurology Residency Interview Questions and Answers

Neurology Residency Interview Questions and Answers

Neurology residency is one of the competitive specialties where AMGs and IMGs compete in this domain. It is essential in this interview to appear in your full knowledge. In any residency interview you go to, there will be general questions and medical questions related to the specialty. Also to prove that you are interested in their program, there are questions you would like to ask the faculty and residents. In this book we collected all the medical questions asked to neurology residency applicants during the interviews in the past few years. These questions are the basic knowledge you are expected to know to be accepted to this specialty and usually you learn them from your medical school neurology rotations and curriculum. Also it contain the questions you have to ask the programs director, faculty, chief residents and residents.

Interview day is like doomsday for the applicant; you either get praised or humiliated! Although it’s not the match day yet, however, it is the day where you either enter the match rank list or you are out! Your performance on the interviews is very important and is considered one of the main key factors that determine your rank on the program director's NRMP match list. Unfortunately many people even fail to be ranked by the programs because of their poor performance. So the reason behind writing this book is to help residency applicants be aware of what kind of questions they will face so they get prepared to successfully pass the interview. This book contains the most common questions asked over the past 10 years gathered from thousands of applicants we guided who interviewed in almost all the programs in the US.

After mastering the contents of this book, the applicant should be confident going to any interview and should be able to answer the questions being asked by the programs and ask questions without hesitation.

We strongly encourage you to study these questions and answers because answering them correctly will:

1-    Give the program director and faculty a positive impression about you.

2-    The more correct answers you have, the higher will be your rank in the NRMP match algorithm.

3-    It will give the faculty a good impression about your medical knowledge background and hence will minimize the unnecessary further meticulous search in your profile.

4-    The chief residents in turn will also recommend you to be ranked high when they do the ranking session with the faculty.

5-    You will earn confidence in yourself especially when going to further residency interviews.

The questions in this book are divided into 4 groups:

A-  General questions you might be asked with answers.

B-   Neurology/Medical questions you might be asked with answers.

C-   Questions to be asked to the program directors and faculty.

D-  Questions to be asked to the Chief residents and residents.
You can get all the above from this link: Neurology Residency Interview Questions and Answers