Interview Attire

Your attire is your first impression on others. Here are some recommendations:


• Solid color, conservative suit.
• Coordinated blouse
• Moderate shoes
• Limited jewelry
• Neat, professional hairstyle
• Tan or light hosiery
• Sparse make-up and perfume
• Manicured nails, avoid the fancy colors (no yellow, green, blue or purple)
• No need for Documents, Portfolio or briefcase unless you need to take a copy of any abstract/paper you might have published/worked on recently after earing the interview. Uusally the PD will tell you ahead of time if you need to bring any of your papers with you.


• Solid color, conservative suit usually black
• long sleeve shirt (not necessay white, get a color that suit you)
• Conservative tie, not too flashy patterns.
• Dark socks, professional and comfortable shoes
• Extremely limited or preferably no jewelry and NO EARINGS or PIERCING!!
• Neat, professional hairstyle, this includes beard and mustache
• Go easy on the aftershave
• Neatly trimmed nails
• No need for Documents, Portfolio or briefcase unless you need to take a copy of any abstract/paper you might have published/worked on recently after earing the interview. Uusally the PD will tell you ahead of time if you need to bring any of your papers with you.